If you miss a monthly payment, your account will enter into arrears. We will contact you via email and SMS to let you know so that you're able to pay your outstanding balance as soon as possible.
In order to pay an outstanding balance on your account, please follow the steps below:
👉 Head to My Account
👉 Find your rental order in your Rental Orders page.
👉 Click View Order
👉 Then click Manage Payments
You'll then be taken to your rental account dashboard. You may need to log in again using your musicMagpie email and password.
Once you're in your rental dashboard, please follow the steps to pay your outstanding balance:
👉In your Payment History section, you'll see your outstanding balance under Charges (see below 👇)
👉To pay your outstanding balance, click Pay
👉Finally, confirm the outstanding balance to pay the remainder.
📩 Once you've paid the balance, you'll receive an email to confirm your payment has gone through.
Our Customer Service Team can be contacted via email, Messaging, or telephone on 0808 196 4674 Monday - Saturday 9:00-17:00